Kuorum is a SaaS for online voting and citizen engagement solutions

Kuorum is a SaaS for online voting and citizen engagement solutions

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Kuorum provides solutions for online voting and citizen engagement. Our clients organize telematic public consultations, shareholders meetings, assemblies, elections and other secure and legal processes since 2013.

Kuorum complies with the European Regulation of Electronic Identification (REU 910/2014), with the National Security Scheme according to RD 3/2010, and with the ISO/IEC27001/2014 of Security of Information audited by AENOR. Our technology is the result of more than five years of research and development in the field of security and usability. And we provide custom support, paying attention to the particularities of each client and advising their teams in technological, as well as legal and strategic aspects.


Company Link: https://kuorum.org

Product Link: https://kuorum.org/en/

E-mail: info@kuorum.org

Contact phone: +34910915091