Passenger: Enabling transport innovation

Passenger: Enabling transport innovation

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A comprehensive suite of digital services to make shared transport the easiest choice.

Making shared transport the first choice means making it the easiest choice. One barrier to people choosing shared transport for journeys is known as the ‘first and last mile’ problem where transport networks stop short of where you want to start and finish your journey.

Micro-mobility services (such as scooters, bikes and e-bikes) can be an effective way to extend the available network in urban environments, but the integration of these separate modal choices is key. By bringing together all the available shared transport networks into a single customer experience, users can easily plan and pay for a journey from exactly where they are, to where exactly where they want to be using a combination of modes and transport providers. A seamless experience increases the ease of choosing public transport for more journeys and reducing dependency on cars. Our vision of an ‘accessible, smart place’ extends further.

With 1.2 million wheelchair users in the UK, Passenger includes solutions for users to easily identify the availability of wheelchair bays on incoming bus services, making it easier for wheelchair users to plan journeys effectively. Passenger’s Enhanced Vehicle Information solution means that bus users can see wheelchair bay availability in real-time on an app or website, removing another barrier to independence and helping to increase confidence in shared, public transport.

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