China’s Now Spurning ‘Ugliest Buildings’ That Symbolized Its Meteoric Rise

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bloomberg china ugliest buildings

The annual Ugliest Buildings Survey, organized by, a Beijing-based architecture website, has unveiled some of China’s most extravagant and iconic structures that have become symbols of the country’s rapid economic growth. These buildings include a Shanghai mall designed to resemble the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, a museum in Anhui province featuring a giant seated figure resembling a toilet, and an opera house in Guangxi shaped like a metallic osmanthus flower.

While these buildings showcase China’s architectural boldness, they have also garnered attention as winners of the Ugliest Buildings Survey, a popular online poll now in its 13th year.

\MORE INFO: Bloomberg

\IMAGES FROM: Bloomberg The Guangzhou Circle building. Photographer: Ji Dong/China News Service/Getty Images

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