Nine growth opportunities out of COVID-19

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Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis, The Reshaping of Industries Caused by COVID-19, highlights nine key trends that it sees as emerging from industries reshaping as a response to COVID-19.With the pandemic’s negative impact on the global economy, immediate action is critical.

Technology leaders must assess the emerging opportunities resulting from COVID-19 and provide technological innovations to build company, society, and consumer resilience.

"From transformative MegaTrends to geopolitical chaos, there are several factors making it increasingly difficult to grow," says Frost & Sullivan visionary innovation group senior industry analyst Murali Krishnan.

“In the near term, companies should focus on diversifying supply chains and leveraging new opportunities arising from changing customer demands. In the long term, it is important to internally adapt to new technologies that support workplace and operational continuity to have a smoother transformation during recovery.”

+INFO: IT Brief Australia

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