Global birthrate decline: examining trends across Asia, Africa, and the USA

Autor | Elvira Esparza In 2050, more than three quarters of the countries will not have a sufficient fertility rate to cover the generational replacement of the population in the long term and there will be a greater division between rich and poor countries. While the population in richer regions will decline, it is expected […]

Could a super-fire lead to an urban catastrophe in Asia?

Author | Raquel C. Pico The number of forest fires is growing each year. This phenomenon is occurring worldwide and can have devastating consequences for both the planet and its inhabitants. Statistics indicate that wildfires are worsening: according to the World Resources Institute, twice as many trees are burning today compared to 20 years ago. […]

Practical approach for creating autism friendly urban environments

This is a guest post by Lucía Bellocchio, founder and executive director of Trend Smart Cities. Lucía has extensive experience working on urban innovation, and has written in leading media outlets in South America like La Nación, El Observador, Clarín or TN. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that globally, 1 in every 100 children has […]

Neft Daşları, the story of a unique oil settlement built on sunken boats

Author | Elvira Esparza Neft Daşları is a floating city built on the sea to meet the demands of the offshore oil industry. It is the world’s first marine oil platform, constructed on sunken boats. At its peak, it featured 2,000 oil wells and 300 kilometers of bridges and roads connecting the city’s various infrastructures. […]

How smartphones can help emergency services in an accident?

Author | Lucía Burbano When there is a traffic accident, a rapid response is crucial to prevent further issues. However, various circumstances may prevent drivers from contacting emergency services when they need them the most. In critical situations like these, the various technologies available on smartphones can be crucial in saving lives. Smartphones, essential allies […]

How leisure and sports are shaping urbanism: the case of Singapore

Author | Raquel C. Pico When envisioning what constitutes a smart city or the characteristics that will define the cities of the future, people often imagine highly technological environments reminiscent of futuristic films. Aspects such as sports, nature, and leisure do not typically occupy prominent positions in these utopian visions. However, these elements are fundamental […]

Is it possible to create quieter trams?

Author | Lucía Burbano Despite being one of the most sustainable forms of transport, trams produce a bothersome squeaking noise when their metal wheels come into contact with the rails. This issue is significant enough to warrant serious consideration in urban planning. Although trams are eco-friendly in terms of emissions, they can be quite noisy. […]

Singapore’s secrets: The world’s only urban blue zone

Author | Raquel C. Pico One of humanity’s greatest achievements is the pursuit of longevity. Life expectancy has steadily increased due to advancements in healthcare, improved hygiene practices, and better nutrition. In the past, reaching one hundred years of age was a rare achievement attained by only a select few. Today, it is not as […]

E bike fires are on the rise, sparking a need for improved consumer education

Author | Elvira Esparza In 2023, electric bikes were responsible for 268 fires in New York City, resulting in the deaths of 18 people since 2021. This statistic is just one indication of the danger posed by electric bikes catching fire. More specifically, this statistic highlights the dangers associated with the lithium-ion batteries that power […]