Ransomware: It’s only a matter of time before a smart city falls victim, and we need to take action now

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Urban infrastructure, including emergency services, transport, traffic light management, CCTV and more, are increasingly becoming connected to 5G Internet of Things (IoT) services and sensors in order to collect data that can be used to provide better, more efficient services.

But while connected cities have the potential to improve urban services, any lack of security in IoT devices could make them a very appealing target for ransomware attacks – and, given the current ransomware climate, it’s not a matter of if, but when.

"I look two years out and my prediction is a 5G smart city will be held for ransom. I don’t see anything happening right now that tells me that this prediction is not going to come true," Theresa Payton, CEO of Fortalice Solutions and former CIO at The White House, said in an interview with ZDNet Security Update.


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