Dassault Systèmes demonstrates that sustainability in the Infrastructure & Cities universe is possible.

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Dassault Systèmes demonstrates that sustainability in the Infrastructure & Cities universe is possible.

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We want to show that sustainability can go beyond theory to be undertaken today, at each stage of the value chain, enabled by the collaborative solutions and the efficiency of Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

We will illustrate on our stand, through different experiences, how city decision makers can think and plan the city sustainably:

  • the Building Tomorrow program addressing the key steps of the sector transformation complemented by experts presentations
  • a collaborative City V+R Experience displaying pragmatic scenarios helping public decision makers to anticipate and plan sustainable, resilient and inclusive cities.

We will also be present through 3 speaking slots with experts presentation demonstrating cities impacts on climate, the importance of digital services and the role of virtual twins in local and national authorities transformation.


Time to act is now! Key players already have the cards in hands to face the challenges of a changing future


1600X900 Building Tomorrow-3


Issautier Vérène
Cities & Public Services Industry Marketing Director


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