Covid 19: How technology can lead the fightback for the construction industry

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The construction sector has been significantly affected by the COVID-19 crisis. The interconnectedness, complexity and collaborative nature of the construction industry’s supply chains and workforce affect the cost and schedule of infrastructure projects.Due to the Covid pandemic, construction sites have shut down, or the open sites have faced disrupted supply chains and operational restrictions. Supply chain interruptions such as restriction on the movement of the material and manpower, will likely continue, affecting the availability of parts and equipment, and eventually impact project financials and even the viability of the project. WHO has cautioned about the long-lasting effect of the virus, believing it will stay amongst us longer than expected. In this situation, social distancing may become the new norm and humanity will need to find yet new ways to be productive.The biggest challenge for this sector is to keep construction activities continues while ensuring that workers are safe. While remote working is the norm for millions of people, this is not true for the construction sector.

+INFO: BWSmartCities

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