Smart city ecosystems – the future of cities starts now.

Smart city ecosystems – the future of cities starts now.

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PwC is committed to providing our clients with rich insights on the dramatic shifts underway in how human beings move around; build, power, and make things; and feed ourselves. It is a broad, bold, strategic perspective that empowers cities of the future to promote prosperity and sustainability. It’s also part of a bigger story of adaptation to unprecedented challenges.
As businesses around the world respond to new realities, they are overhauling traditional views of value, which are being created, destroyed, and preserved in new ways and they are forming new industrial ecosystems.

A city is a complex “ecosystem of systems” where citizens, visitors and businesses interact together across multiple domains. A smart city ecosystem is one where technology enables value creation to all stakeholders that interact with the city. Our extensive experience with smart city projects worldwide, both public and private, helps us deliver the best technology enabled outcomes for cities.

Meet our experts at the Smart City Expo 2023 to learn how we are partnering with automakers, city planners, government leaders, and other enterprises to create the cities of the future.

Get in touch

Donna Rice

Marketing Lead

Fathiya Ali
Marketing Manager