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Digital Side Events organized by TMB available in Tomorrow Mobility Digital Program 2021

Working Today for the Mobility of Tomorrow
Our environment is constantly changing. The daily life of our city changes, and so do the mobility needs of our clients.COVID-19 has been an example of the speed at which societies can change: economic crises that affect the social context,implementation of new models of presence within the business world or education,, the preference of private transport over collective public transport, or new transport alternatives in the city of Barcelona. All this has a direct impact on the demand patterns of our clients and the offer that we have to serve them by optimizing the available resources to the máximum. Given this changing reality, which actions is Metro de Barcelona taking to adapt to these new mobility trends and anticipate future changes, yet to come?

Digital Business TMBgo
App to provide instantly service information plus entertainment contents to the passenger.

A Smarter Metro for Smart Citizens
Back in 2006 Metro Barcelona started the digitalisation of switch points, a critical asset for performance and safety. The boost in service availability and cost efficiency with the positive impact in Metro users experience made it scale to other business assets. After 15 years the solution has evolved to a Software as a Service platform, co-developed with a local startup up. This one stop shop platform for asset digitalization seamlessly integrates datastreams with advanced information models for asset behaviour offering a customizable interface for both users and machines.The presentation briefly depicts the milestones of this digitalization journey, explaining the value delivered to metro users through a couple of rellevant examples.It also shares lessons learnt to successfully introduce the digitalization in the decision making of mature companies, with a deeply rooted culture in the organization. Reflections that might be of use to other asset intense companies that face similar goals.

Leading the Mobility Transformation
Smart buses power train solutions.