Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI)

Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI)

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Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI) specializes in helping international companies establish subsidiaries at the heart of Europe. As a government agency, all our services are reliable, confidential and free of charge.If you’re looking to expand to Germany, GTAI is your first port of call. We can assist you in finding an optimal location, provide you with information about things like application procedures, regulations and incentives, and assist you in making the contacts you need to hit the ground running in Europe’s largest economy. We closely collaborate with the business investment promotion agencies of the 16 regional states that make up the Federal Republic of Germany.We work with companies of all shapes and sizes, from Intel with its €17 billion+ megafab in Magdeburg on down to start-ups in Berlin, Munich and elsewhere in Germany. We have dedicated industry experts that cover the various sectors relevant to the idea of smart cites. They are eager to talk to businesses with ideas that could help shape the future of Germany, which not only has Europe’s largest economy but its greatest number of smart cities.

"Germany has not only Europe’s largest economy but it’ greatest number of smart cities."

Robert Hermann


Robert Compton
Senior Manager

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