U.S. Mayoral Roundtable #5 | The Blueprint for Future Cities

The Blueprint for Future Cities: Mayors’ Diverse Approaches to Achieving Sustainable, Safe, and Smart Urban Ecosystems The US Roundtable aims to provide city leaders with strategies and insights for leveraging technology in urban development, ensuring public safety, and fostering public-private partnerships. Through practical questions for each mayor, reflecting their city’s unique challenges and achievements, the […]

Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town: planning for the next 100 years

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Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town is a small experimental town in Fujisawa City. Sponsored by Panasonic and two other local companies, the aim is to develop technologies to reduce the impact of humans in the world while making space for any further advances that may happen in the next century.

7 inventions that shaped city life


Cities have changed drastically since they were first built, but what are the inventions that have most changed the way we understand the city?