How Washington is testing low carbon district energy systems to improve its sustainability

Low carbon district energy system

Author | Lucía Burbano Heating and cooling systems in buildings in the United States make up approximately 43% of the nation’s total energy consumption. Fossil fuels used in these heating and cooling systems contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, increasing air pollution and accelerating the effects of climate change, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection […]

Mastering mobility: understanding the health benefits of active mobility

In an era defined by the drive towards decarbonised transportation, active mobility is often highlighted as a crucial part of the solution. But active mobility, which encompasses modes of human-powered transportation such as walking, cycling, skateboarding, rollerblading, running, etc; is more than just a way of getting from one place to another sustainably. Active mobility not only helps to decarbonise transportation, but it is also a pathway to improved physical, mental and social well-being; both individually and collectively.

Mastering mobility: noise pollution

According to the European Environment Agency (EEA), one in five people living in the European Union are exposed to noise pollution and long-term noise levels that are considered harmful to their health. From sleep disturbances to cardiovascular issues, noise has also been shown to even have impacts on children’s ability to learn. These negative impacts affecting roughly 100 million residents are due to traffic noise. This translates to one million healthy years lost per year to illness, disability or early death due to road, rail and air transport-related noise.
Given that the European Environment Bureau lists noise pollution as one of the most significant threats to public health, after air pollution, there are numerous action plans in place. The reduction of noise is currently a key objective under the EU’s Zero Pollution Plan for 2050, which aims to reduce the share of people chronically disturbed by transport noise by 30% by 2030. And the Environmental Noise Directive is the main EU law focused on identifying and addressing noise pollution.

Smart hospitals: how they’re helping to make healthcare more efficient

Smart hospitals: how they're helping to make healthcare more efficient

Author | Raquel C. Pico Digitalization has become the defining revolution of the 21st century, so it comes as no surprise that the digital transition is impacting all sectors. No scenario is untouched by its potential benefits, and none escape the need to update methods, incorporate new tools, and rethink how things are done. For […]

How AI-powered LiDAR technology is rapidly gaining momentum, playing a transformative role in enhancing life within smart cities

LiDAR technology

Author | Lucía Burbano Often, the combination of two smart technologies amplifies their individual capabilities, working together like allies. This synergy is especially evident between devices that collect data and those that process, screen, and analyze it. In the case of LiDAR and artificial intelligence, this collaboration unlocks numerous applications within the context of smart […]

UK cities are implementing advanced noise detection systems to enhance emergency response times and potentially save more lives

sound detector

Author | Elvira Esparza Sound detectors trigger instant alerts upon identifying unusual acoustic signals, such as gunshots or cries for help. This enables emergency services to respond more rapidly while simultaneously enhancing public safety in smart cities and high-risk environments. Their use is being expanded in select cities to enhance public safety and security. These […]

Biofuel for the aeronautical industry: What are the pros, cons, and impact on cities?

Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Author | Lucía Burbano Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is widely regarded as the most realistic alternative for decarbonizing the aviation sector, which is responsible for 12% of CO2 emissions in transportation and 2% of global CO2 emissions. The construction of biofuel production plants is becoming increasingly common in the aeronautical sector, presenting both potential solutions […]